Categories: Host's resources

Check-in guide: how to become a perfect host

The key to become a perfect host

The guest must always be the centre of attention and is our best ally. This applies to both boat owners and to suppliers of touristic experiences. Read our handy check-in guide to find out how to become a perfect host.

Above all, the success of your boat rental or your experiential tourist service depends on how your guests see you and how they experience what you offer them.

For this reason, the utmost attention must be paid to all phases leading up to and including their welcome. This guide to the perfect check-in will help you to understand how to behave towards your customers. Having satisfied guests is your ultimate goal, in order to retain them and turn them into the best business card for your services.

The perfect check-in guide: why focus on your guests

The key to become a perfect host is to focus on your guests.

We have already mentioned that the guest must be the centre of the check-in process, at all its stages. In the current reality of tourism, the individual guest represents a very important resource, not only for the possibility that they’ll become a loyal customer. The reputation of a service relies strongly on the potential of a satisfied guest.

The importance of a good review

A satisfied guest will talk about their experience with friends and aquaintances. In other words, they will use the classic “word of mouth”, which has always been a very effective “advertising” tool. But it doesn’t end there. For instance, they’ll probably want to share their opinion through social media channels as well or similarly leave a positive review of their experience.  Reviews are one of the most important assessment tools for travel and experiences.

In addition, users of all major online booking portals read reviews to help them decide where to go, where to eat and where to stay. There must be plenty of good (if not great) reviews to attract the attention of potential customers. A pampered guest will certainly be more inclined to write a better review, hopefully full of details about their experience. Consequently, the return in terms of bookings that we can receive from good reviews can affect the success of our business.

Professionalism and empathy to become a perfect host

For a perfect check-in and for our guest to be satisfied we must focus above all on professionalism and empathy. Being professional is essential. Distracted hosts risk making mistakes in the critical phase of welcoming guests. However, professionalism alone is not enough. Modern tourists are looking for something unique. We must therefore be able to put ourselves on our guests’ wavelength, so that we can suggest the right ideas and help create a perfect holiday for them. Being professional does not mean being “aseptic”, because as good hosts we must be able to give added value to those who have chosen us.

Presence with discretion

It’s important to remember that a perfect check-in starts long before the “physical” check-in. For example, from the moment of booking it’s possible to interact with our guests, who may request information or particular services. In this case it’s important to respond quickly and, wherever possible, meet the needs of our future customer.

In other words, it’s imperative to be responsive at this stage.

Similarly, following up on your guest is also essential after check-in, in order to meet his or her needs. Therefore keeping a constant but discreet presence that must never invade your guests’ space or privacy.

Let’s look at more personalised tips from our guide to the perfect check-in.

The perfect check-in guide for boat owners

For a boat owner, whether renting boats for cruises or for sleeping onboard moored in the Marina, it’s always important to offer a clean and tidy environment to the guest.  The space available to guests must be sanitised correctly to make them feel at ease, and must really “shine”.

Of course, it is also important that the spaces and services conform with what is stated in your advert. The boat must be in order and it is paramount that you give correct and complete instructions regarding the management of their stay.

Likewise, it is essential to welcome guests with education and professionalism, making them aware of the facilities they can enjoy by focusing on the correct use of the boat, from how the lights work, to the use of the toilet. That is to say the space of a boat is not the same as that of a common apartment or house.

It may also be useful to prepare a small guide to leave for the guests, where you can detail the services available in the Marina, the most interesting places to visit in the surrounding area and the restaurants where they can sample the best cuisine; complete with telephone numbers and website links. This is a small touch that will be greatly appreciated.

The perfect check-in guide for touristic experience suppliers

Even in the case of touristic experiences, whether or not they are related to a cruise or onboard stay, it is important to match what is indicated in your advert with the reality of the service offered. Furthermore, it is crucial that you notify the customer as soon as possible of any changes caused by unforeseen events or circumstances.

If this happens during the run-up to check-in you can offer alternative solutions or a discount for a subsequent booking. If the change occurs at check-in it is important to provide an alternative experience in a timely manner, equal to or even higher than that chosen by the guest. Again a discount for a subsequent booking can be useful.

In conclusion, the ability to pamper your guests in a professional way, from their booking right through to check-in, is the key to your success, whether you are a boat owner renting your boat or a supplier of touristic experiences.

A satisfied guest will return and will also recount his experience to others, generating a circle of repeat and new business, which will help grow your service. Always remember to keep our guests at the centre of attention in order to be a perfect host.


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